We all know that it’s wrong to steal. For many of us, the thought never even crosses our minds. However, there are times where people are either wrongfully accused of theft or simply make a mistake. Regardless, if you are someone who is currently facing shoplifting charges, you cannot afford to proceed without competent legal representation. Please read on and reach out to our knowledgeable Maryland criminal defense attorney to learn more about shoplifting charges in Maryland and how our firm can help you fight them. Here are some of the questions you may have:
What are the penalties for shoplifting in Maryland?
The consequences of your charges will depend on the dollar value of the property allegedly stolen. Though some shoplifting charges are classified as Misdemeanor Theft, many are classified as Felony Theft, which comes with even harsher consequences. The penalties for shoplifting in Maryland are as follows:
- Property worth $99 or less: Misdemeanor Theft, up to 90 days of incarceration, and a $500 fine
- Property with between $100-$1,499: Misdemeanor Theft, up to 6 months of incarceration, and a $500 fine
- Property worth between $1,500-$24,999: Felony Theft, up to 5 years of incarceration, and a $10,000 fine
- Property worth between $25,000-$99,999: Felony Theft, up to 10 years of incarceration, and a $15,000 fine
- Property worth more than $100,000: Felony Theft, up to 20 years of incarceration, and a potential $35,000 fine
What should I do if I am charged with shoplifting in Maryland?
If you are accused of shoplifting, the most important thing you can do is speak with an experienced Maryland criminal defense lawyer who can assist you with your charge(s). The defense depends on the circumstances of your charges, however, some of the most common defenses against shoplifting charges in Maryland are as follows:
- The person did not mean to steal the item
- The person intended on paying for the item
- There was a case of mistaken identity
The bottom line is that if you’ve been accused of a crime, you need aggressive legal representation on your side. Our firm is here to shield you from the long-term consequences associated with a criminal conviction.
Contact our experienced Maryland firm
The Law Offices of Debra A. Saltz has decades of experience representing clients in Anne Arundel County and Howard County, Maryland who need legal assistance for criminal defense or personal injury matters. Contact the Law Offices of Debra A. Saltz today to discuss your case.