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Whether you decide to walk to your local supermarket on a nice day or take the dog for a walk, you may notice that many drivers don’t drive safely. Unfortunately, one of the major issues plaguing pedestrians is negligent drivers. Whether they drive too close to the side of the road or refuse to stop for those at a crosswalk, many drivers are responsible for causing a pedestrian accident. If you’ve been the victim of a negligent driver who hit you while walking, the following blog and a Maryland auto accident lawyer can help you learn how to proceed after an incident.

How Does a Pedestrian Accident Happen?

Pedestrian accidents are often due to negligent drivers or the fault of the pedestrian.

Unfortunately, though pedestrians have the right of way when approaching crosswalks, many do not look before stepping into the road. Though cars are supposed to yield for them, if a vehicle is too close to the crosswalk to safely stop, the pedestrian must wait for them to pass.

However, many drivers do not afford pedestrians the safety they deserve when walking. Cars often refuse to stop for pedestrians in crosswalks, do not look for pedestrians in crosswalks before making a “right on red,” and drive too fast around parking lots where others may be walking. Unfortunately, many cars may stop for pedestrians in crosswalks to cross the road, but impatient drivers may pass a stopped vehicle, striking someone walking.

Similarly, when drivers are distracted, intoxicated, or fatigued, it increases the risk of injuries for other drivers and pedestrians alike. Taking eyes off the road to text or sleep, even for a few seconds, is incredibly dangerous and can lead to colliding with someone walking across the street.

What Steps Should I Take if I’m Hit by a Vehicle?

If you are struck by a vehicle, it is important to take the correct steps following the collision. The most imperative thing you should do is seek medical treatment for the injuries you sustain, even if they seem minor. Many injuries become worse with time, so catching them early is essential.

You should also take photos and videos of the scene if you are physically able. This helps show the damage to the vehicle, the injuries you sustained, the road conditions, and the signs indicating that the negligent driver was approaching a crosswalk.

Were you injured by a negligent driver while walking? If so, you must contact the Law Offices of Debra A. Saltz immediately. Our legal team is dedicated to helping those injured receive compensation. We will examine your case to help determine the best course of action to fight for the best results for your circumstances.

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