There are many different vehicles on the road at any given time. When a person operates a large vehicle such as a tractor-trailer truck, or bus, they are required to have a Commercial Drivers’ License (CDL). This is because if a driver does not know how to drive a vehicle of such immense size, they can cause serious accidents that can lead to life-impacting injuries. There are certain laws for CDL drivers that do not pertain to regular Class C drivers. These include additional penalties for driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. If a commercial driver is found under the influence on the road, they can be charged with a Commercial DUI. They can also get additional penalties from the MVA, including the revocation of the CDL.
DUI Laws in Maryland
In the state of Maryland, it is illegal for anyone to drive under the influence or impaired by alcohol or drugs. A driver can be charged with a DUI if their blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is 0.08% or greater or the driver is seemingly under the influence of alcohol. A driver can be charged with DWI if their blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is 0.07% or greater. The driver’s BAC can be determined by the issuance of breath or blood tests. It is important to know that while that is the limit for those driving passenger vehicles, the legal limit is lower for commercial drivers. In Maryland, a commercial driver, driving a commercial vehicle having a BAC of 0.04% or greater can be charged with a DWI.
Penalties for a Commercial DUI
When a commercial driver is convicted of DUI, they can face a variety of penalties. These can vary depending on the nature of the offense. First-time offenders can receive probation before judgment, under which they can face one year of a CDL suspension. During this time, they are not able to operate a commercial vehicle.
If a person is convicted of a Commercial DUI for a second time, they can possibly have their CDL revoked for life. This can be financially devastating. While it is rare, there are some cases in which a judge may agree to reinstate a driver’s privileges after ten years. However, with a DUI on your record, it can be difficult to be hired as a driver in the future.
It is important to know that a commercial driver can have their CDL suspended or revoked if they are convicted of a DUI under any circumstances. This means that even if they drink and drive their own personal vehicle, they can still have their CDL taken away. Another common penalty of a Commercial DUI is increased insurance rates for all of the driver’s vehicles. In addition to this, if a CDL holder refuses to do a breath test to determine their BAC, they can also face a 120-day suspension of their regular license and a one-year suspension of their CDL.
Contact our Firm
The Law Offices of Debra A. Saltz has decades of experience representing clients in Maryland who have been charged with a crime. If you are facing criminal charges, let our firm explore all possible defenses and fight to protect your future. Contact the Law Offices of Debra A. Saltz today to discuss your case.